Standard dialogs not opening modal even though using ShowModal()


I must be doing something wrong - probably something obvious and simple - but I can't figure it out.

I have successfully made modal custom dialogs in my real application but I cannot get the dir dialog and the font dialog to open modally.

If I understand modal properly, I shouldn't be able to interact with the main form while the dialog is open. Nor should I be able to open multiple dialogs.

I have made a simple demo script which shows the problem.

What is the obvious (but not to me) error?

import wx

class MyApp(wx.App):
    def __init__(self): wx.App.__init__(self)
        frame = MyFrame(title="Dialog Test", size=(350,200))
        frame.Show() self.SetTopWindow(frame)

class MyFrame(wx.Frame):
    """A simple form with one panel, one box sizer, one label, and two buttons.
    The buttons open dialogs when clicked"""
    def __init__(self, title="Default title", pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize): wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent=None, id=-1, title=title, pos=pos, size=size)
        self.panel = wx.Panel(self) outerSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        lblQuestion = wx.StaticText(self.panel, -1, "Why are the dialogs not modal when ShowModal() is used?")
        btnOpenDirDialog = wx.Button(self.panel, -1, "Select Dir ...")
        btnOpenDirDialog.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButtonOpenDirDialog)
        btnOpenFontDialog = wx.Button(self.panel, -1, "Select Font ...")
        btnOpenFontDialog.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButtonOpenFontDialog)
        outerSizer.Add(lblQuestion,0,wx.ALL, 10)
        outerSizer.Add(btnOpenDirDialog,0,wx.ALL, 10)
        outerSizer.Add(btnOpenFontDialog,0,wx.ALL, 10) self.panel.SetSizer(outerSizer)
        def OnButtonOpenDirDialog(self, event):
        """Open dir dialog"""
        dlgGetFolder = wx.DirDialog(None, "Choose a folder:", style=wx.DD_DEFAULT_STYLE|wx.DD_NEW_DIR_BUTTON)
        if dlgGetFolder.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
            #was it modal?
            self.folder = dlgGetFolder.GetPath()
           def OnButtonOpenFontDialog(self, event):
        """Open font dialog""" dlgGetFont = wx.FontDialog(None, wx.FontData())
        if dlgGetFont.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
            #was it modal?
            self.font = "foo"
   if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = MyApp()

All the best, Grant



Dr Grant Paton-Simpson
Director, Paton-Simpson & Associates Ltd

16 Summit Drive, Mt Albert, Auckland 1025

(09) 849-6696
(09) 849-6699


Robin Dunn wrote:

Grant Paton-Simpson wrote:


I must be doing something wrong - probably something obvious and simple - but I can't figure it out.

I have successfully made modal custom dialogs in my real application but I cannot get the dir dialog and the font dialog to open modally.

If I understand modal properly, I shouldn't be able to interact with the main form while the dialog is open. Nor should I be able to open multiple dialogs.

I have made a simple demo script which shows the problem.

What is the obvious (but not to me) error?

The common dialogs are implemented as wrappers around system APIs that show the dialog, so they are not the same as using a wx.Dialog. If the system API does not put the dialog into a true Modal state then wx may not be able to do anything about it.

Looks like on Windows you need to give the common dialogs a parent, then they will be modal.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!