Hi all, I have looked on the wiki and have done my best to figure this out,
but I can't get it right and I am running out of fistfuls of hair
I want to have a splitter inside a splitter - I need an app split into there
vertical panels that can resize.
So, I have been working along this line (see below), can you help?
import wx
class MySplitter ( wx.SplitterWindow ):
def __init__( self, parent ):
wx.SplitterWindow.__init__ ( self, parent, -1, style =
wx.SP_LIVE_UPDATE | wx.SP_3D )
class MyFrame ( wx.Frame ):
def __init__ ( self, parent ):
wx.Frame.__init__ ( self, parent, -1, ":(", size=(800, 600),
self.splitter = MySplitter ( self )
self.p1 = wx.Panel ( self.splitter, style = wx.BORDER_SUNKEN )
self.p2 = wx.Panel ( self.splitter, style = wx.BORDER_SUNKEN )
self.s2 = MySplitter ( self.p2 )
self.p3 = wx.Panel ( self.s2, style = wx.BORDER_SUNKEN )
self.p4 = wx.Panel ( self.s2 , style = wx.BORDER_SUNKEN)
self.splitter.SplitVertically ( self.p1, self.p2,0 )
self.s2.SplitVertically ( self.p3, self.p4, 0 )
self.splitter.SetMinimumPaneSize ( 200 )
self.s2.SetMinimumPaneSize ( 200 )
self.Show ( )
class MyApp ( wx.App ):
def OnInit ( self ):
frame = MyFrame ( None )
return True
app = MyApp ( 0 )
app.MainLoop ( )