Hi Robin,
Hi Andrea (or anybody else who is interested),
As can be seen by that build log the sphinx_generator is having an issue
with the doxygen docs for the html2.WebView class recently added to the
build. It looks like the problem is with paragraphs like this in the source
The IE backend uses Microsoft's Trident rendering engine, specifically
The XML generated for that looks like this:
<para><simplesect kind="par"><title>wxWEB_VIEW_BACKEND_IE
The IE backend uses Microsoft's Trident rendering engine, specifically
The Doxygen @par command is supposed to start a new paragraph with an
optional title, which is rendered in the html like a subsection header.
wxWidgets: wxWebView Class Reference
What would be the best way to deal with this in sphinx_generator.py?
I have managed to fix this - more or less - in my local copy of the
sources. I wrote "more or less" because, although it seems to be
working, the way the tags are declared has messed up the processing.
See the following XML snippet:
- <para>
- <simplesect kind="par">
<title>wxWEB_VIEW_WEBKIT (OSX)</title>
<para />
The OSX WebKit backend uses Apple's
<ulink url="http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Cocoa/Reference/WebKit/Classes/WebView_Class/Reference/Reference.html\#//apple\_ref/doc/uid/20001903">WebView</ulink>
class. This backend has full support for custom schemes and virtual
file systems.
The </para> closing tag inside the <simplesect> section really,
really, really should not be there.
But this is less of a problem regarding another one I found, which is
very bad. If you look at this page:
You will see that there are 2 sections called "Events Emitted by this
Class", and this happens pretty much everywhere else (in almost all
other widgets, I mean). This is because the headings for the Events in
the wxWidgets docs are now screwed up (in terms of the XML elements
If you look at the class_wx_web_view.xml file, you will see that the
"Events emitted by this class" heading sits below the "Virtual File
Systems and Custom Schemes" section id, which doesn't make any sense
(and it screws up completely and absolutely the output of
sphinx_generator.py). A similar thing can be seen in the file
classwx_combo_box.xml, where the "Events emitted by this class"
heading sits below the paragraph dedicated to the window styles.
I am not sure what changed in the wxWidgets source code to change the
XML layout so immensely, or what (yet-another) bug the Doxygen people
have introduced. As it stands, I seem to be unable to fix this problem
in the sphinx_generator.py. It is a very bad issue as almost all the
widgets documentation are affected. Hopefully the wx-devs will have
some suggestion about this...
"Imagination Is The Only Weapon In The War Against Reality."
# ------------------------------------------------------------- #
def ask_mailing_list_support(email):
if mention_platform_and_version() and include_sample_app():
# ------------------------------------------------------------- #
On 28 November 2012 03:18, Robin Dunn wrote: