Slider min/max text alignment

Total newbie here. I know the slider is integer only, so I am implementing them using internal scaling to floating point and not displaying the built in integer min, max, and current value.

What I’d like to do is display my own text for min/max/value just above the slider and have those text boxes align to the slider left, middle, and right edges even when the slider resizes.

-4.2      0.8     +4.2
[            {}      ]

I’ve tried to get this defined in wxGlade, but being so new I’m not sure exactly what types of widgets I should be using or what types of sizers should be used. The slider itself is pretty straight forward with a single cell.

Some suggestions to help me get started would be most welcome.



Here is the approach I would try:

   - Vertical BoxSizer
      - Horizontal BoxSizer
         - statictext "min"
         - stretchable spacer
         - statictext "value"
         - stretchable spacer
         - statictext "max"
      - slider


Here is the approach I would try:

- Vertical BoxSizer
- Horizontal BoxSizer
- statictext "min"
- stretchable spacer
- statictext "value"
- stretchable spacer
- statictext "max"
- slider

I’ll try that. Seems a bit simpler than what I’ve come up with so far:


- Vertical box sizer 3x1

	- Grid sizer 1x3

		- Grid sizer 1x1

			- Layout: wxEXPAND

			- Layout: Proportion=1

			- Static text “min”

				- Widget: wxALIGN_LEFT

		- Grid sizer 1x1

			- Layout: wxEXPAND


			- Layout: Proportion=1

			- Static text “value”

				- Widget: wxALIGN_CENTER


		- Grid sizer 1x1

			- Layout: wxEXPAND

			- Layout: wxALIGN_RIGHT

			- Layout: Proportion=1

			- Static text “max”

				- Widget: wxALIGN_RIGHT

				- Layout: wxALIGN_RIGHT

	- Grid sizer 1x1

		- Slider

Thanks for the tip!