Skipping widgets in tab traversal?

Dear group,

I have some buttons that should be skipped during tab traversal, but need to
remain active so they can be clicked. How can I accomplish this under
wxPython 2.4?

The best I could find in my searching was to catch the wx.FocusEvent and
call SetFocus() on the "next" widget; this, though a little awkward,
wouldn't be too hard except for the last button, where it's messy to figure
out what the next widget is.

Thanks for any help. Please let me know if you have questions.

Override AcceptsFocusFromKeyboard() and return False.

If this method isn't present in 2.4 (and it might not be), then what
you're doing is the only way AFAIK.


On 7/26/05, Reid Priedhorsky <> wrote:



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