Simple mouse puzzle

Or maybe a version of the OnDoubleClick method which recalls itself at idle time and then handles string selection, etc.. For example

    def OnDoubleClick(self, event, first=True):
        if first: # initial event, setup recall
            wx.CallAfter(self.OnDoubleClick, event, False)
        else: # recalled at idle time
            s = self.GetStringSelection()

Disclaimer, the example above and below have not been tested!

/Jean Brouwers

Jean Brouwers wrote:


Maybe this will work:

   def OnDoubleClick(self. event):
       wx.CallAfter(self._GetSelectedString, event)

   def _GetSelectedString(self, event):
       s = self.GetStringSelection()

i.e. try to delay getting the selected string until "idle" time.

/Jean Brouwers

Charles Hartman wrote:

I know I should know this! What I'm trying to do is have the user double-click in a TextCtrl, which selects a word, and then retrieve that word. But if, in the subclassed TextCtrl, I do
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_DCLICK, OnDoubleClick)
and then
    def OnDoubleClick(self, event):
        s = self.GetStringSelection()
(or any other call to TextCtrl methods), my OnDoubleClick seems to catch the click too soon: no selection has gotten made. (If I add event.Skip(), of course the word-selection happens, but then it's too late.)

I don't think this can be a problem of my forgetting some other method that TextCtrl has or inherits -- it's something I'm forgetting about how messages work.

Any illumination for the dim-witted, much appreciated.

Charles Hartman

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