Simple font question

Fonts look much smaller in my wxPython app than the same fonts in
another application. You cannnot read something in eight-point font.
What's the possible culprit?

Scott wrote:

Fonts look much smaller in my wxPython app than the same fonts in
another application. You cannnot read something in eight-point font. What's the possible culprit?

Platform and version?

What is the other app? How do you set the font? What kind of widget are you setting it in? Are you sure it is the same native font?


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!

Scott wrote:

Fonts look much smaller in my wxPython app than the same fonts in
another application. You cannnot read something in eight-point font.
What's the possible culprit?

Using "points" to define a font size on a screen is a tricky business.
wxWindows and your other app may have a different idea how many Pixels
per inch your screen is. A lot of apps just assume 72PPI, which is
pretty wrong on a lot of screens these days.

wxWindows provides the DC.GetPPI() method so you can scale your fonts
accordingly if you want.

Personally, I'd much rather scale my fonts by pixels than points in a
GUI. I figure the user has set up their screen resolution to something
that makes sense for them, given their eyes, and how far they are from
the screen. What do you suppose gets reported for PPI when the machine
is hooked up to an LCD projector?



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