Simple example of Adding Items to a ULC's specific Column & Row


I am really struggling with how to add some items to a
UltimateListCtrl, I have looked at the documentation & become
overwhelmed with so many functions (CreateListItem, InsertItem,
AppendItem) & the different ways to add widgets compared to adding

Would someone be able to provide an example of how to add a String & a
Widget to a 3 column ULC?

def add_row():

    list = ULC.UltimateListCtrl( control_panel, -1, agwStyle =

    # Could you show how I can add a string to the 1st column & 1st
row of the ULC
    # Could you show how I can add a string to the 2nd column & 1st
row of the ULC
    # Could you show how I can add a wx.TextCtrl to the 3rd column &
1st row of the ULC

PS: I have looked at the ULC demos especially the Report demo & it is
notoriously complex & convoluted, plus it doesn't show adding items
singuarly, it just shows how to add a dictionary of data when you 1st
create the ULC.

The ULC started out as a port of the generic wx.ListCtrl, and so for the basic features it works the same way as wx.ListCtrl and follows the same patterns for the other features as well. See the attached sample code which, except for adding a textctrl, should be compatible with using a wx.ListCtrl instead. (1.57 KB)


On 10/6/10 7:07 PM, Sascha wrote:


I am really struggling with how to add some items to a
UltimateListCtrl, I have looked at the documentation& become
overwhelmed with so many functions (CreateListItem, InsertItem,
AppendItem)& the different ways to add widgets compared to adding

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman