I am really struggling with how to add some items to a
UltimateListCtrl, I have looked at the documentation & become
overwhelmed with so many functions (CreateListItem, InsertItem,
AppendItem) & the different ways to add widgets compared to adding
Would someone be able to provide an example of how to add a String & a
Widget to a 3 column ULC?
def add_row():
list = ULC.UltimateListCtrl( control_panel, -1, agwStyle =
# Could you show how I can add a string to the 1st column & 1st
row of the ULC
# Could you show how I can add a string to the 2nd column & 1st
row of the ULC
# Could you show how I can add a wx.TextCtrl to the 3rd column &
1st row of the ULC
PS: I have looked at the ULC demos especially the Report demo & it is
notoriously complex & convoluted, plus it doesn't show adding items
singuarly, it just shows how to add a dictionary of data when you 1st
create the ULC.