I do not know exactly if this is what you are looking for,
take a look at my web page http://www.chez.com/spinecho/
You will find:
- psi a Python shell (nothing special)
- psigraph6-py241-wxpy261.zip, a extension module that allows
to plot data directly from within the Python shell. The data
are plotted in a separate frame and can be interactivelly
updated from the caller application, in that case the Python
shell. psigraph also offers the possibility of printing the data.
- the zip files contains some demo scripts, plots of various
functions in cartesian, polar coordinate systems, fourier transforms.
The scripts can be run from the interpreter with an execfile() or they
can be lauched through the small editor integrated in psi.
- psigraph uses my own graphic (simple) library. It should not
be a problem to implement the same kind of plot frame with an
external lib like matplotlib.
- some screenhoots of the plot module in action.
In summary: a CLI + GUI
Have fun.
Jean-Michel Fauth, Switzerland