Show progress bar on method executing


In a simple app i've a long task that is performed when a user clicks on a
button. When it happens a method is executed.
I would like to show a window
with a progress bar in a infinite loop, when the method get executed the
progress bar gets destroyed.

I know of wx.Gauge but there is any pre built
window that do what i want ? It seems a behaviour very common but i haven't
found any examples.




In a simple app i've a long task that is performed when a user clicks on a
button. When it happens a method is executed.
I would like to show a window
with a progress bar in a infinite loop, when the method get executed the
progress bar gets destroyed.

I know of wx.Gauge but there is any pre built
window that do what i want ? It seems a behaviour very common but i haven't
found any examples.

If you have the wxPython demo installed on your system, play with it.
This should really be the golden rule when you are looking for a
component/widget. In this case, open the wxPython demo, type
"progress" in the bottom-right search control, and you will find 2
results: the native control wx.ProgressDialog and my owner-drawn
PyProgress. To deal with long running methods, see here:


"Imagination Is The Only Weapon In The War Against Reality."


On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 10:47 PM, wrote: