SetUserScale not working when using OGL

Travis Brown-John wrote:

I'm trying to implement a visualization tool for a graph based structure. I want to use OGL for rendering the graph view. Since the graph view can get very large, I need to be able to scale the view.

You might consider using wx.lib.floatcanvas. It doesn't connect boxes for you, but it does support essentially unlimited zooming and panning.

One thing to note about FloatCanvas that might not be obvious:

You can create your own DrawObjects and add them to a canvas without changing the FloatCanvas code. For instance, making a Circle with Text in it as a single object would be quite easy.

It's not documented, but "Use the source, Luke!" If you model your object on a similar object in FloatCanvas.Py, it shouldn't be hard to figure out. Note that it uses a lot of mix-ins to make it easy to build similar objects.



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