Seeking WxPython for platforms lacking graphics hardware

How useful would a character-mode (curses based) version of wxPython
be for platforms lacking graphics hardware? My embedded systems
background includes application and system software for
instrumentation, control, diagnostics and automated test.

I've been developing Python 2.6 and 3.1 code that emulates a subset of
the wxPython API for use on Cygwin, Linux and Mac OS X.
I am interested in communicating with others who have a similar

Did you publish your code somewhere?
Best regards,


On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 3:21 AM, Dick <> wrote:

How useful would a character-mode (curses based) version of wxPython
be for platforms lacking graphics hardware? My embedded systems
background includes application and system software for
instrumentation, control, diagnostics and automated test.

I've been developing Python 2.6 and 3.1 code that emulates a subset of
the wxPython API for use on Cygwin, Linux and Mac OS X.
I am interested in communicating with others who have a similar

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Hi Stani,

Code is not ready for release. A lot has been accomplished but much
development remains.

A test application runs on Windows (under Cygwin 1.7.2 bash shell),
Mac OS X 10.6 (under iTerm xterm) and Linux (Ubuntu under xterm). It
includes the following widget types: Dialog, Frame (default or
application set size, position with edge or centered alignment),
Button (Minimize, Resize Down, Maximize and Close), CheckBox (left &
right aligned), Gauge (horizontal and vertical), MenuBar (without pull
downs), PyOnDemandOutputWindow (redirected stdio), RadioBox
(horizontal and vertical), RadioButton, StatusBar and TextCTRL
(scrolled and line wrapped),

The code does not yet generate or handle events associated with
keyboard and mouse input. It does, however, detect, decode and
associate mouse clicks with the appropriate visible GUI object

I'd appreciate your comments and suggestions particularly regarding
the selection of wxPython API features needed in an initial code

Dick Gordon


On Mar 28, 12:34 pm, Stani <> wrote:

Did you publish your code somewhere?
Best regards,

On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 3:21 AM, Dick <> wrote:
> How useful would a character-mode (curses based) version of wxPython
> be for platforms lacking graphics hardware? My embedded systems
> background includes application and system software for
> instrumentation, control, diagnostics and automated test.

> I've been developing Python 2.6 and 3.1 code that emulates a subset of
> the wxPython API for use on Cygwin, Linux and Mac OS X.
> I am interested in communicating with others who have a similar
> interest.

> --
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