Searching through wxDataViewListCtrl with wxSearchCtrl

I have a wxDataViewListCtrl, that user can add data to, and I have a wxSearchCtrl widget as well, I want to be able to search through wxDataViewListCtrl using the wxSearchCtrl, apparently it looks like the Autocomplete() does not work on Linux. I saw the example provided, but it does not tell much. I want to be able to filter through dataview when user types.

For example I have this

User can add files from left to the dataview, and above dataview there is a searchctrl, I want that when user types say snare, all the files that are not snare, should hide(filtered out) and only snare shows. I can’t find a function that hides particular rows or something in dataview. Is there a native way to do so, or do I have to figure out some custom thing.

The DVC classes are different from most other widgets in that the data doesn’t actually exist in the widget itself, but in a separate data model object. In other words, the widgets are just independent views of the data. (The DataViewListCtrl hides that fact from you, at least at a high level, but it is still using a model object.) So to do data filtering like what you describe the real work would need to happen in the model, and you will probably need to switch to a DataViewCtrl (the base class of DataViewListCtrl) and DataViewModel to make it possible.