Hello Rob,
I have a scrolled panel that has various panels inside it
which in turn
contain various controls such as TextCtrls and buttons.
When I manually
scroll the window down, I am getting some strange
behavior. If I click on
the controls inside of one of the panels, the
scrolled panel automatically
scrolls to the top and my control (let's
say it's a button) does not fire.
However, when I scroll back down,
the button has focus and a subsequent
click will fire the button . but
then the scrolled panel automatically
scrolls to the top again. I
would like the control to fire the first time I
click it and for the
window not to auto scroll to the top.
Have you tried to subclass wx.
lib.scrolledpanel and then override the onChildFocus() method? I'm not
sure to remember correctly, but this should do the job. Something along
the lines:
import wx.lib.scrolledpanel as scrolled
def __init__(self,
parent, whatever)_
parent, whatever)
def onChildFocus(self, event):
Then you use the scrolledpanel in your app as MyScrolledPanel.
Not sure I remember correctly, but it should work.
"Imagination Is The Only Weapon In The War Against Reality."