Script to generate hhp files for htmlhelpcontroller

Hi Werner,

Hi Dick,

Dick Kniep wrote:
>Hi list,
>I am always asking, now there is a small script in return. It generates
> hhp, hhc and hhk files ready for use if you have html files, and can be
> used with htmlhelpcontroller.

This sounds very interesting. So, I tried it out on the wxPython new
API docs (wxPython API Documentation — wxPython Phoenix 4.2.2 documentation which one can download from
Download wxPython-newdocs- (wxPython)
) using the following command line:

-D dirwherethehtmlstuffis -B index -T wxPython new API

It generates the helpbook stuff, however I noted a few things:

- it doesn't handle the "html" extension (changed it on line 66, but it
would be nice if it could handle either).

OK that is not too difficult

- it generates the index pages nicely
- it only generates one sub-page (code.InteractiveInterpreter), and
below it it has a line for " Module" which gives an error unable to
open html doc "navbar"

To accomodate for more levels, I guess I should make it recursive. If I have
some more time, I'll make it recursive.



Op woensdag 5 oktober 2005 13:28, schreef Werner F. Bruhin: