We use RichTextCtrl for developing a Transcription Editor.
Text Parts (normally Words) needs to hold a hidden Timecode/SpeakerID Pair.
We use a fake URL for this what works fine to get the assiciated timecode/SpeakerID .
Now the text should be searched for such an URL and ranges of text shold be deleted marked by a specific timecode/SpeakerID.
To find a specific text position associated to a timecode value, we must scan the text buffer for that fake URL Attributes.
We spent hours of reading wxPython anf Phoenix docs and did not even understand the underlaying object structure behind RichTextCtrl .
Are there methods for locating text attributes or just a documentation how the text is being stored and can be manipulated (Content and Attibutes)
Is there even a Find/Replace functionality
We would implement what is needed when we could get more understanding, how internal storage and the corresponding list and object stucture works.
Are there direct accessing examples, What should we read ?
Karlheinz Kraft