RichTextControl highlighting the whole line

I want to highlight the whole line in an RTC, however the only way I
know how to highlight is setting a background color behind the
characters with an RTC Attr I believe. Of course this highlight from
left side up to the \n, but I'd like the highlight to continue on for
the width of the control. Any way to do that?

I'm not sure if the RTC can do that, but the person who knows for sure is on the wx-users mail list, so you'll want to ask about it there.


On 6/17/10 7:56 PM, Mark wrote:

I want to highlight the whole line in an RTC, however the only way I
know how to highlight is setting a background color behind the
characters with an RTC Attr I believe. Of course this highlight from
left side up to the \n, but I'd like the highlight to continue on for
the width of the control. Any way to do that?

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman