Hi all,
This is my first post.
I have a program that requires information from the user before the
main frame of the GUI is begun. To obtain the information I use a
series of dialogs before adding the main widgets.
So it goes something like
class mainFrame(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent, title):
wx.frame.__init__(self, parent, title = title)
dlg = MyFirstDialog(self, -1, 'title1')
val = dlg.ShowModal()
if val == wx.ID_OK:
global dlgVariables
dlgVariables = dlg.VariableBoxes.GetValue()
dlg2 = MySecondDialog(self, -1, 'title1')
val2 = dlg2.ShowModal()
if val2 == wx.ID_OK:
global dlg2Variables
dlg2Variables = dlg2.VariableBoxes.GetValue()
def CreateMainGUI(self):
#Here I make panels, sliders and images. There is also a
button called self.restartButton
All of this code works great. When the program starts a dialog
appears. When OK is clicked a second dialog appears whose layout
depends on the choices made in the first dialog. When choices are made
on this dialog the main GUI is drawn and it's layout depends on
choices made.
My problem is that it may become apparent to the user that he/she
needs to change his/her mind regarding some of the choices made and
restart the program so that the main window disappears and the first
dialog reappears. The mainGUI will also have been saving some of the
choices of the user up to files to this point and those choices must
be wiped so that the user can start again.
I tried the following method:
Inside CreateMainGUI is the method OnRestart bound with an event
binder to the restart button.
def OnRestart(self, event):
the_wd = os.getcwd()
tFile = the_wd + 'saves.txt'
if os.path.exists(tFile) == True:
global restart
restart = True
Now the way I begin the program is to have the following 4 lines at
the end of the file where all these classes exist:
app = wx.App(False)
frame = mainFrame(None, 'Main Frame')
Then I cal call python MyFile.py from the command line. This works
fine. Now, to facilitate restarting I tried the following instead
global restart
restart = False
app = wx.App(False)
frame = mainFrame(None, 'Main Frame')
while restart:
app = wx.App(False)
frame = mainFrame(None, 'Main Frame')
With this code the program starts and works fine until restart is
pressed at which point I get an error.
The error is to do with my calling wx.GetDisplaySize() at some point
in the code. It says
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "myFile.py' line 320 in <module>
frame = mainFrame(None, 'Main Frame')
File 'myFile.py', line 90, in __init__
disHeight = wx.GetDisplaySize()[1]
File "//usr/local/lib/wxpython-unicode-2.812.0/lib/python2.6/site-
packages/wx-2.8-max-unicode/wx/_misc.py", line 523 in GetDisplaySize
return _misc_.GetDisplaySize(*args)
wx._core.PyNoAppError: The wx.App object must be created first!
I don't understand this as the line that fails is coming after app =
wx.App(False). As I say, the code works fine up until the while loop
so my use of GetDisplaySize() is fine. When it enters the while loop
it seems not to be creating the second app. I'm sorry I couldn't put
all of the code up. The MainGUI uses rpy2 to draw pictures from
sensitive data I have on disc so it couldn't really be tested anyway.
Thanks in advance for your thoughts on this