I already took a look at Floatcanvas but apparently it does not resize bitmaps.
I searched through the eigenclass link but unfortunately I couldn’t find anything I could use.
I already took a look at Floatcanvas but apparently it does not resize bitmaps.
I searched through the eigenclass link but unfortunately I couldn’t find anything I could use.
David Yan wrote:
I already took a look at Floatcanvas but apparently it does not resize bitmaps.
Actually, it does -- see the ScaledBitmap object.
However, it won't gain you anything here, it's just using the wxImage methods anyway.
I"d try getting PIl out of the loop, you may be wasting cycles converting back and forth.
The enclosed example may help.
ImageWindow.py (2.82 KB)
Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
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