Hi everyone,
I am currently working in integrating some other wxPython widgets in
Boa Constructor (http://boa-constructor.sf.net).
I wonder if it was possible to make a little modification in the constructor
for the PlotCanvas widget (in wxPython/lib/wxPlotCanvas.py).
The reason is that this widget does not really conform to the standard for
constructors which are expected by Boa Constructor.
The original code is :
class PlotCanvas(wx.wxWindow):
def __init__(self, parent, id = -1):
And, that kind of signature would be better for me (keep in mind that it
will conserve backward compatibilty by using default parameters values) :
def __init__(self, parent, id=-1,
pos = wx.wxDefaultPosition, size = wx.wxDefaultSize, style =
name = 'plotCanvas'):
By the way, I suppose something like:
def __init__(self, *_args, **_kwargs):
which seems to be the norm would work to, but as I am _still_ not an
python developper, I would not guaranted that. Morever it would need more
modifications in the method code...
I don't know if my request must be done here or on wx-dev... if so, just
tell me.