Replying to thread with an attached file

not to be inflammatory, but I am right now responding having copied and pasted the subject and sent to the wxpython list from gmail. I have done this before and I have never had a problem.


Hi, I will kill all ads in google gmail.

They will all be dead and gone for all my emails to you. HA HA bye bye ads I just massacred you!!!

Yes, and it arrived in my inbox as a new thread, just as we've been
discussing. So the point is, it will get to the list, but it won't be
threaded, and threading is nice, so instead, please use "reply".



On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 7:00 AM, Micah Nordland <> wrote:

not to be inflammatory, but I am right now responding having copied and
pasted the subject and sent to the wxpython list from gmail. I have done
this before and I have never had a problem.

ahh, Now I understand. I thought that gmail just grouped stuff
according to subject names. I see what you mean now. I usually use the
web to respond without attachments, and when I want to start a thread
with an attachment I use an email. I think I'll also try that filter
so that I see the updates quicker than with the digest.