In attempting to convert a wxpython-embedded VTK 8.2 scene to and from a full screen view, the original view disappears (shows as a full gray screen) , and the same gray screen remains when toggling back to the original window/view. I have discovered that if the original view is embedded in an AUI tabbed notebook pane where multiple pages exist but only one page is visible at a time, the process of selecting a different tab and then selecting the original tab completely restores the view. If the AUI pane has multiple NB pages visible, selecting the tabs does not restore the view.
Clearly, this VTK reparenting process needs to add some kind of repaint/blit operation. I have been trying to track down the specific operations performed when AUI tabbed NB page goes from hidden to visible, but it is buried somewhere deep in the sources.
I would appreciate any suggestions on how to do this repainting in wxpython.
This is a new issue, and at this point I have no idea if is the result of some changes in wxpython or vtk.
Cheers, Eric