Rectangular Selection in


2 small questions:

1) I saw in scite, that with keyboard only, a rectangular selection
   is possible via Alt-Shift cursor-keys.
   Is this possible in too?

2) If I have a selecion say:

   then select the rectangle ab, de, gh (first to char)
   and want to paste it into the pos before 'c', I get:


   but I want:

   is there an easy way to do this?

thank you in advance,


Franz Steinhäusler

DrPython (Project Developer)


2) If I have a selecion say:

then select the rectangle ab, de, gh (first to char)
  and want to paste it into the pos before 'c', I get:


but I want:

is there an easy way to do this?

the second question: for that, I have found a solution:
as part of a plugin:

(section paste)

if sel_is_rectangle:
        text = do.GetText() # from clipboard
        ind = 0
        pos = self.GetCurrentPos()
        oldpos = pos
        line = self.GetCurrentLine()
        col = self.GetColumn(self.GetCurrentPos())
        while text.find('\n', ind) != -1:
                newind = text.find('\n', ind)
                temp = text [ind:newind-1]
                self.CmdKeyExecute (
                pos = self.GetCurrentPos()
                line += 1
                ind = newind+1

remains only the first question:
rectangular selection with keyboard only.


On Thu, 16 Sep 2004 10:22:10 +0200, Franz Steinhäusler <> wrote:
Franz Steinhäusler

DrPython (Project Developer)

Franz Steinhäusler wrote:


2 small questions:

1) I saw in scite, that with keyboard only, a rectangular selection
   is possible via Alt-Shift cursor-keys.
   Is this possible in too?

Not yet. Some tricks need to be done in the ScintillaWX.cpp layer to make it work.

2) If I have a selecion say:
   def ghi

   then select the rectangle ab, de, gh (first to char)
   and want to paste it into the pos before 'c', I get:


   but I want:

   is there an easy way to do this?

Once the rectangle work in ScintillaWX is done it will probably work that way.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!