RE windows panel alignment not working.

heres a small sample as i promised. it won't run becuase i chopped out as much as i could to cut the size down.


#Main module, holds window and app information

import wx

import wx.lib.rcsizer as rcs

#Create ID's for buttons and menus

class MainFrame(wx.Frame):
    def __init__(self, parent, id, title):
        wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, size = (1024,768))
        #setup login screen
        LoginPanel = wx.Panel(self, -1)
        #make refference so i can destroy outside of __init__
        self.LoginPanel = LoginPanel
        self.CurrentPanel = LoginPanel
                       self.UserName = wx.TextCtrl(LoginPanel, 0,)
        self.PassWord = wx.TextCtrl(LoginPanel,0, style = wx.TE_PASSWORD)
        LoginButton = wx.Button(LoginPanel, bID_LOGIN_BUTTON, 'Login')
                wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, bID_LOGIN_BUTTON, self.ValidateLogin)
                #setup grid sizer
        LoginGrid = rcs.RowColSizer()
                LoginGrid.Add(self.UserName, col=0, row=0)
        LoginGrid.Add(self.PassWord, col=0, row=1)
        LoginGrid.Add(LoginButton, col=0, row=2)
                #Setup layout contsraints
        LoginLayout = wx.LayoutConstraints(), wx.Top, 100)
        LoginLayout.bottom.SameAs(self, wx.Bottom, 10)
        LoginLayout.left.SameAs(self, wx.Left, 10)
        LoginLayout.right.SameAs(self, wx.Right, 10)
                #setup panel sizer
        LoginSizer = wx.GridSizer(1,1)
        def ValidateLogin(self, evt_button):
        self.UserNameValue = self.UserName.GetValue()
        self.PassWordValue = self.PassWord.GetValue()
                Successful = 'true'
                if Successful == 'true':
            Warning = wx.MessageDialog(self, 'Invalid Username or Password', 'Input Error' , wx.OK)
            def ShowMainFrameItems(self): #create title panel
        WelcomePanel = wx.Panel(self, -1)
        self.WelcomePanel = WelcomePanel
        self.CurrentPanel = WelcomePanel
                #Create status bar
                MenuItems = ["Create Reports"]
                MenuList = ["Reports"]
                    ####################TO ADD MORE MENU ITEMS################
        #list containing menu item text and it's ID
        MenuItemIDs = {'Create Reports': mID_CREATE_REPORTS,
                                        'Weekly': mID_WEEKLY_ENTRY,
                                        'Daily': mID_DAILY_ENTRY}
        MenuItemsDict = { 'Create Reports' : 'Reports',
                                        'Weekly' : 'Entry',
                                        'Daily': 'Entry'}
                                        #Make menu items
        ReportMenu = wx.Menu()
        EntriesMenu = wx.Menu()
                for item in MenuItems:
            for menuitem, menu in MenuItemsDict.items():
                if item[0] == menuitem:
                    #when we find an item with a corrisponding menu, append it
                    if menu == 'Reports':
                        ReportMenu.Append(MenuItemIDs[menuitem], menuitem)
                    if menu == 'Entry':
                        EntriesMenu.Append(MenuItemIDs[menuitem], menuitem)
        #####################TO ADD MORE MENU ITEMS###############
                #####################TO ADD MORE MENUS################## #dictionary of Menu's and their function names and text
        MenusDict = {'Reports' : ReportMenu,
                                'Entry' : EntriesMenu}
        #####################TO ADD MORE MENUS##################
                #Make menu bar to hold all our Menu items
        Menu = wx.MenuBar()
                for menu in MenuList:
            Menu.Append(MenusDict[menu[0]], menu[0])
                #Set the menu bar

        #Create event handlers to make menu items do something
        wx.EVT_MENU(self, mID_CREATE_REPORTS, self.ReportPanel)
                    def ReportPanel(self, EvtMenu):
        """This creates the panel which allows report options to be specified"""
                ReportPanel = wx.Panel(self, -1)
        self.ReportPanel = ReportPanel
        self.CurrentPanel = ReportPanel
                #setup gridbag sizer for information Report layout
        ReportGrid = rcs.RowColSizer()
                ReportGrid.Add(wx.StaticText(ReportPanel, -1, "REPORTS"), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER, pos=(0,1), colspan=5)
                        #make panel sizer and layout panel items
        ReportSizer = wx.GridSizer(1,1)
        class PubWareApp(wx.App):
    """This class is the application handle for wxPython"""
    def OnInit(self):
        frame = MainFrame(None, -1, 'PubWare - Hospitality reporting tool')
        return True
        def Main():
    """Main function, the last thing to run, runs
    the wxPython application in a loop"""

Timothy Smith wrote:

heres a small sample as i promised. it won't run becuase i chopped out as much as i could to cut the size down.

If it won't run then it is not a sample app, it is just a pile of code. We need to be able to run it to see what is happening and to fiddle with it to find a solution.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!