
Hi Werner,

Thanks for your help.

I now get “TypeError: cannot concatenate ‘str’ and ‘int’ objects”, which is perhaps just a python thing, but can you help?

       def OnGenerate(self, event):

Name_Number = xrange(int(raw_input("Choose number of Names (1-20)? "))) # I had been using this

state = [None,None]

Name_List = []

tmp = choice(((‘bob’, ‘mary’),(‘joe’, ‘rita’),(‘vera’, ‘john’),(‘gail’, ‘sue’)))

for x in Name_Number:
print ‘state’,state
print ‘tmp1’,tmp
while tmp in state[0:2]: #or for x in range(2):
tmp = choice(nextName[Name_List[-1]])
print ‘tmp2’,tmp
print "Name “,x+1,” is ", tmp
state[x%2] = tmp
print Name_List

So, I tried this;


But got this;

TypeError: RadioBox_GetString() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)





Hi Malcolm,

Malcolm Clift wrote:

Hi Werner,
Thanks for your help.
I now get "TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects", which is perhaps just a python thing, but can you help?
            def OnGenerate(self, event):
      # Name_Number = xrange(int(raw_input("Choose number of Names (1-20)? "))) # I had been using this

"raw_input" returns a string which you are trying to convert to an integer with "int"

         state = [None,None]
         Name_List =
         tmp = choice((('bob', 'mary'),('joe', 'rita'),('vera', 'john'),('gail', 'sue')))
         for x in Name_Number:
            print 'state',state
            print 'tmp1',tmp
            while tmp in state[0:2]: #or for x in range(2):
                tmp = choice(nextName[Name_List[-1]])
                print 'tmp2',tmp
            print "Name ",x+1," is ", tmp
            state[x%2] = tmp
            print Name_List


GetString requires an "int" - i.e. the selected position, what about just:

    Name = self.rb.GetString(self.rb.GetSelection())

But got this;
TypeError: RadioBox_GetString() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)


See you

P.S. if you still have a problem can you post a small sample which one can run and see what you are trying to do.