question concerning wxTreeCtrl and items

Hello Oliver,

      if you know what is your list (that is stored as PyData in the
treectrl items), you can scan all the treectrl and find which item has the
same PyData as your list. Regarding your code, I would store the reference
of every child in a separate list (this will be clearer after), like in
this example (all the children are store in the list self.mychildren):

def SortAfterSamples(self):
        Populates the wxTreeCtrl by sorting after:
            1. samples
            2. assessors
            3. replicates
        self.root = self.tree_ctrl_1.AddRoot('Sensory data')
        self.tree_ctrl_1.SetPyData(self.root, None)

        self.mychildren = []

        for samples in self.SampleList:
            child = self.tree_ctrl_1.AppendItem(self.root, samples)
            self.tree_ctrl_1.SetPyData(child, [samples])


            for assessors in self.AssessorList:
                grandChild = self.tree_ctrl_1.AppendItem(child, assessors)
                self.tree_ctrl_1.SetPyData(grandChild, [samples,


                for replicates in self.ReplicateList:
                    greatGrandChild =
self.tree_ctrl_1.AppendItem(grandChild, replicates)
                    self.tree_ctrl_1.SetPyData(greatGrandChild, [samples,
assessors, replicates])


Now, if I understood you correctly, you could do something like:

for child in self.mychildren:
      MyPyData = self.tree_ctrl_1.GetPyData(child)

      if MyPyData == MySpecificList:
            return child

And you get the item in which your MySpecificList is stored...

Hope to have correctly understood.



Andrea Gavana
Reservoir Engineer
MOGI ? Reservoir Characterization and Modeling Dept.
ENI S.p.A. ? Exploration & Production Division
Via Emilia, 1 ? 20097 San Donato Milanese (MI) ? Italy
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Eni S.p.A.
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