Q: How to use the native Windows HTMLhelp with my App ?

Hello all,
i build a help system for my app and use the HtmlHelpController to
show context sensitive help. It works but - to be honest - I find the
Help screen ugly and it is not localized.

I compile a CHM-File anyway and would much prefer to use and
distribute only that.

Any Ideas how to do that ? It is of course not a problem to open the
CHM File, i see problems to do the context-sensitive call, the
equivalent of HtmlHelpControllers Display method. Do I have to use
ActveX ?


Viele Grüße / All the best


Norbert ha scritto:

Hello all,
i build a help system for my app and use the HtmlHelpController to
show context sensitive help. It works but - to be honest - I find the
Help screen ugly and it is not localized.

I compile a CHM-File anyway and would much prefer to use and
distribute only that.

Any Ideas how to do that ? It is of course not a problem to open the
CHM File, i see problems to do the context-sensitive call, the
equivalent of HtmlHelpControllers Display method. Do I have to use
ActveX ?

If you are on win32 you can do like the following:

HELP_FILE_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('.', 'help'))
CHM_FILE_NAME = os.path.join(HELP_FILE_DIR, 'helpfile.chm')

def display(self, page=''):
     frame = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow()
     if page == '' : page = 'DefaultHelpPage.html'
     import win32help
     win32help.HtmlHelp(handle, CHM_FILE_NAME, win32help.HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC, page)

Very Nice, thas exactly what I look for. Thanks a lot, Marco


On 9 Jun., 15:09, Marco De Felice <m.de...@gmail.com> wrote:

Norbert ha scritto:

> Hello all,
> i build a help system for my app and use the HtmlHelpController to
> show context sensitive help. It works but - to be honest - I find the
> Help screen ugly and it is not localized.

> I compile a CHM-File anyway and would much prefer to use and
> distribute only that.

> Any Ideas how to do that ? It is of course not a problem to open the
> CHM File, i see problems to do the context-sensitive call, the
> equivalent of HtmlHelpControllers Display method. Do I have to use
> ActveX ?
> --

If you are on win32 you can do like the following:

HELP_FILE_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('.', 'help'))
CHM_FILE_NAME = os.path.join(HELP_FILE_DIR, 'helpfile.chm')

def display(self, page=''):
frame = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow()
if page == '' : page = 'DefaultHelpPage.html'
import win32help
win32help.HtmlHelp(handle, CHM_FILE_NAME,
win32help.HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC, page)


I am happy to scrape it…


On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 11:09 PM, Marco De Felice m.defel@gmail.com wrote:

Norbert ha scritto:

Hello all,

i build a help system for my app and use the HtmlHelpController to

show context sensitive help. It works but - to be honest - I find the

Help screen ugly and it is not localized.

I compile a CHM-File anyway and would much prefer to use and

distribute only that.

Any Ideas how to do that ? It is of course not a problem to open the

CHM File, i see problems to do the context-sensitive call, the

equivalent of HtmlHelpControllers Display method. Do I have to use

ActveX ?

If you are on win32 you can do like the following:

HELP_FILE_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(‘.’, ‘help’))

CHM_FILE_NAME = os.path.join(HELP_FILE_DIR, ‘helpfile.chm’)

def display(self, page=‘’):

 frame = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow()


 if page == '' : page = 'DefaultHelpPage.html'

 import win32help

 win32help.HtmlHelp(handle, CHM_FILE_NAME,

win32help.HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC, page)

David Lyon wrote:

Can this *GEM* go to DOCUMENTATION?

The wiki would be a good place for it.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman

Yes good idea…



On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 6:21 AM, Robin Dunn robin@alldunn.com wrote:

David Lyon wrote:


The wiki would be a good place for it.