Hello Robin,
I can't test it now but doesn't the C++ wx.ProgressDialog
have similar problems?
No, the wx.ProgressDialog works nicely, both in the demo and in my sample test. However, the suggestion from Ricardo, to use:
self.evtloop = wx.EventLoop()
Does the job... I don't even know what these 2 lines are supposed to do... Anyway, thank you very much Ricardo!
Andrea Gavana (gavana@kpo.kz)
Reservoir Engineer
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Hello Robin,
I can't test it now but doesn't the C++ wx.ProgressDialog
have similar problems?
No, the wx.ProgressDialog works nicely, both in the demo and in my sample
test. However, the suggestion from Ricardo, to use:
self.evtloop = wx.EventLoop()
Does the job... I don't even know what these 2 lines are supposed to do...
Anyway, thank you very much Ricardo!
Before this lines if you do:
print wx.EventLoop.GetActive()
it will give you None, so you don't have a event loop to dispatch the
events, I think. Maybe Robin can elaborate more.
Maybe a better way to deal with is to make something like this (code not
self.evtloop = wx.EventLoop.GetActive()
if not self.evtloop:
self.evtloop = wx.EventLoop()
Ricardo Pedroso wrote:
Hello Robin,
I can't test it now but doesn't the C++ wx.ProgressDialog
have similar problems?
No, the wx.ProgressDialog works nicely, both in the demo and in my sample
test. However, the suggestion from Ricardo, to use:
self.evtloop = wx.EventLoop()
Does the job... I don't even know what these 2 lines are supposed to do...
Anyway, thank you very much Ricardo!
Before this lines if you do:
print wx.EventLoop.GetActive()
it will give you None, so you don't have a event loop to dispatch the
events, I think. Maybe Robin can elaborate more.
The default event loop is created upon entry to MainLoop() so there isn't one yet before that.
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
http://wxPython.org Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!