
Hello Robin,

I can't test it now but doesn't the C++ wx.ProgressDialog
have similar problems?

No, the wx.ProgressDialog works nicely, both in the demo and in my sample test. However, the suggestion from Ricardo, to use:

self.evtloop = wx.EventLoop()

Does the job... I don't even know what these 2 lines are supposed to do... Anyway, thank you very much Ricardo!



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Hello Robin,

I can't test it now but doesn't the C++ wx.ProgressDialog
have similar problems?

No, the wx.ProgressDialog works nicely, both in the demo and in my sample
test. However, the suggestion from Ricardo, to use:

self.evtloop = wx.EventLoop()

Does the job... I don't even know what these 2 lines are supposed to do...
Anyway, thank you very much Ricardo!

Before this lines if you do:

print wx.EventLoop.GetActive()

it will give you None, so you don't have a event loop to dispatch the
events, I think. Maybe Robin can elaborate more.

Maybe a better way to deal with is to make something like this (code not

self.evtloop = wx.EventLoop.GetActive()
if not self.evtloop:
    self.evtloop = wx.EventLoop()


Ricardo Pedroso wrote:

Hello Robin,

I can't test it now but doesn't the C++ wx.ProgressDialog
have similar problems?

No, the wx.ProgressDialog works nicely, both in the demo and in my sample
test. However, the suggestion from Ricardo, to use:

self.evtloop = wx.EventLoop()

Does the job... I don't even know what these 2 lines are supposed to do...
Anyway, thank you very much Ricardo!

Before this lines if you do:

print wx.EventLoop.GetActive()

it will give you None, so you don't have a event loop to dispatch the
events, I think. Maybe Robin can elaborate more.

The default event loop is created upon entry to MainLoop() so there isn't one yet before that.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!