pyplot & numpy 1.0 rc2


I'm not sure if this has come up before, but I couldn't find it in my searches. The example in doesn't work with the latest release of numpy (I haven't tried previous releases).

It is using Float, Float64 and Int rather than float, float64 and int in a few places. If these are changed then it appears to work fine.


Chris Munchenberg <cjm <at>> writes:


I'm not sure if this has come up before, but I couldn't find it in my
searches. The example in doesn't work with the latest
release of numpy (I haven't tried previous releases).

This has been fixed in CVS (of wxPython).

It is using Float, Float64 and Int rather than float, float64 and int in
a few places. If these are changed then it appears to work fine.

Or you can replace the import statement with

import numpy.oldnumeric as _Numeric ,

then the old names can be used again.
