Daniel Carrera wrote:
This is *not* a Linux issue. PyInstaller is hard-coding paths in my HOME DIRECTORY.
you're right, that's just plain broken. You hadn't specified what paths had been hard-coded. I assumed that PyInstaller wasn't that stupid. I wonder if has a mode similar to py2app's "alias" mode -- where it does point to stuff on your system, and is not expected to work anywhere else.
But that is all a PyInstaller question.
About C libs: I have a hard time believing that a lot of Linux systems don't have the C lib in a standard directory.
they sure do -- but not all the same versions.
Distributing binaries for Linux is notoriously a pain -- though it sounds like you've hit something more fundamentally wrong with PyInstaller, or how you are using it.
It sounds like you know what you are doing, but just in case, is whatever it linked to in your home dir something that it might have expected to be in a standard system location?
Btw, for several days now I have been able to compile a C++ version of the program statically and have it work on my wife's computer.
well, FWIW, I've often had trouble statically linking on Linux -- gcc likes to prefer dynamic linking. I also had a colleague who pent days getting a wx C++ app to link statically on Windows -- so you got lucky there (or really know what you're doing).
And you've been extraordinarily unlucky with wxPython, pyInstaller, etc. It seems most people get these things working fine on teh first, easy test app -- then struggle with this or that complex package.
I know I've never had a problem eith py2exe or py2app on teh simple apps.
Probably why most folks distribute rpms, .debs. etc. instead.
Do you think that distributing RPMs and DEBs would get around the system not having C libs in a standard directory? Think about that for a minute.
of course not, but they do have dependency tracking, and are usually built for specific systems.
My current inclination is to forget about Python and do the work in C++. At least that one seems to work.
Whatever works for you, but don't confuse "easy to do the first easy thing" with "more productive in the long run"
Once you get PyInstaller or whatever working, you're done with that -- you'll be banging your head against C++ forever.
Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
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