Mike Driscoll wrote:
Well, that's weird. Every time I try to tell people that Tk doesn't do
native on c.l.py, I get flamed by people saying that it does. I
honestly don't care since I don't use them, but it's weird.
Well, I suppose it depends on your definition of native. IN the early days, TK drew all its own widgets with X calls. When ported to non-X platforms, it used an X emulation layer, and so looked exactly the same on all platforms. Since then, much progress has been made, and TK apps look pretty darn good on windows:
I still don't think it's nearly as native as wx, I think they are emulating, rather than using, the native widgets.
On *nix, it's not GTK, though whether GTK is native depends on who you talk to.
On The mac, it looks OK, but not really all that native.
As for QT, I'm pretty sure it draws all it's own widgets from scratch, though it does a pretty good job of having native-looking themes. Still, the QT apps I've used don't even use the native File Open dialog on OS-X, which is really pretty painful.
Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
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