PyAUI some issues with view updates

Here is a patch that I added to my version of PyAUI to catch the
EVT_CLOSE for floating panes


On 6/19/06, Gavana, Andrea <> wrote:

Well, basically the wxAUI (from which PyAUI is derived) guys did not implement all the event handlers that you may need.

*** 4257,4262 ****
--- 4257,4267 ----

          self._panes[indx] = pane

+ e = FrameManagerEvent(wxEVT_AUI_PANEBUTTON)
+ e.SetPane(pane)
+ e.SetButton(PaneInfo.buttonClose)
+ self.ProcessMgrEvent(e)

      def OnFloatingPaneActivated(self, wnd):

Dj Gilcrease
OpenRPG Developer
OpenRPG++ Lead Developer
XeroWiki Creator
Web Admin for

Here is a patch that I added to my version of PyAUI to catch
the EVT_CLOSE for floating panes

*** 4257,4262 ****
--- 4257,4267 ----

          self._panes[indx] = pane

+ e = FrameManagerEvent(wxEVT_AUI_PANEBUTTON)
+ e.SetPane(pane)
+ e.SetButton(PaneInfo.buttonClose)
+ self.ProcessMgrEvent(e)

      def OnFloatingPaneActivated(self, wnd):

Thanks DJ, there is something I am missing though... By applying you patch and running the demo, if I float the tree pane, for example, and then try to close it, a popup message comes out asking me if I really want to close it or not. Whatever answer I give, the floating window is closed anyway. And if I try to reload the initial configuration, I get (correctly) an error. So, in my understanding, your event handler can not be vetoed. It is just to give the user the info that a pane is being closed. Am I missing something from your patch?



Andrea Gavana (
Reservoir Engineer
4, Millbank
SW1P 3JA London

Direct Tel: +44 (0) 20 717 08936
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Fax: +44 (0) 20 717 08900

It may not be able to be vetoed I had not tested that as I just needed
to capture the event so I could do something when a pane or floating
panel was closed. I dont know enough about the event system to know
how to allow vetoing. I can look into it though as that may be a good
thing to include :slight_smile:


On 6/20/06, Gavana, Andrea <> wrote:

Thanks DJ, there is something I am missing though... By applying you patch and running the demo, if I float the tree pane, for example, and then try to close it, a popup message comes out asking me if I really want to close it or not. Whatever answer I give, the floating window is closed anyway. And if I try to reload the initial configuration, I get (correctly) an error. So, in my understanding, your event handler can not be vetoed. It is just to give the user the info that a pane is being closed. Am I missing something from your patch?
