PyAUI some issues with view updates

Hello Matthias,

> On Linux/Unix, there is actually no way to draw nice hint dock
> rectangles using wxPython. The only platforms that support this
> behaviour are Windows and Mac. So, on *nix, you will get simply the
> hollow rectangle as dock hint.
> BTW, have you tried to follow the steps I highlighted in
the previous
> mail (in PyAUIDemo)?

If you really want to make this a bit nicer you could try to
draw the rectangle with some kind of stipple pattern. While
blending in you make the pattern denser and denser. That
should give something close to transparency. Not sure how
good it look in practice though...

Yes, that could be an approach... I am wondering if this will slow down the rectangle drawing or not. However, I am willing to try it. The only problem I see is that I don't know which kind of stipple to apply, and to be honest I don't even know how to create a stipple :slight_smile:



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