"Pushing" Data to Modules

Hi Rich and Donn,

Not that I am expert on this but here is a revised version of what I used to get a hang of pubsub.

- mypublisher.py - setup constants and instantiate the pubsub stuff
- pubsubApp.py - Boa app module
- pubsubtest.py - a wx.Frame with a statusbar and a button, subscribes to statustext messages, when button is pressed it does some publishing stuff, and calls up a dialog
- dialog1.py - simple dialog with a button, when pressed sends a message to statusbar

Maybe something along these lines (with better doc strings then I do) should be on the wiki to help people going with pubsub.

Hope this helps

pubsubtest.py (2.14 KB)

Dialog1.py (1.04 KB)

mypublisher.py (1.09 KB)

pubsubApp.py (516 Bytes)

   There's obviously interest and need in all this. Perhaps cooperatively
can both gain better understanding and document it in the wiki. This topic
looks like one of those hidden gems that turn out to be useful in a broad
range of applications ... perhaps most.

I'll certainly keep an eye on the wiki and contribute where I can ( I like
to make diagrams to simplify a lot of words! ), but I don't have clue #1
about this whole topic, so I can't start anything.

Please, if you are in the zone, hit the wiki, but Keep It Simple Stupid!!

