Hi Rich and Donn,
Not that I am expert on this but here is a revised version of what I used to get a hang of pubsub.
- mypublisher.py - setup constants and instantiate the pubsub stuff
- pubsubApp.py - Boa app module
- pubsubtest.py - a wx.Frame with a statusbar and a button, subscribes to statustext messages, when button is pressed it does some publishing stuff, and calls up a dialog
- dialog1.py - simple dialog with a button, when pressed sends a message to statusbar
Maybe something along these lines (with better doc strings then I do) should be on the wiki to help people going with pubsub.
Hope this helps
pubsubtest.py (2.14 KB)
Dialog1.py (1.04 KB)
mypublisher.py (1.09 KB)
pubsubApp.py (516 Bytes)