I had to edit several of the pubsub unittest files to make it so they could at least be imported. Apparently there were some classes that were removed in the recent update. If somebody is looking for something to do to help out then updating those unittests would be a good task to take on.
I had to edit several of the pubsub unittest files to make it so they could at least be imported. Apparently there were some classes that were removed in the recent update. If somebody is looking for something to do to help out then updating those unittests would be a good task to take on.
Just did a PR for this.
BTW, I asked Oliver to review it on the pubsub list.
As I mentioned to Werner, there are tons of unit tests that are part of pubsub. For wx, you should only have tests of the public pubsub API, namely pubsub.pub and pubsub.utils level; anything below that (esp. in core) should be out of bounds for any user. Core tests get run at every commit automatically by the pubsub buildbot so you don’t need to worry about that level, any failures at that level that affect your use of public API will be trapped by your tests. I’m going to assume that if a wx.lib.pubsub test fails, you just want to know so you can document change needed in release notes and/or patch the test and/or post on pubsub-dev asking for workaround… I don’t see much point in forking pubsub so any changes in wx.lib.pubsub should lead to pull requests on the github project I will create for pubsub. Save yourselves some work, if you need anything that you can’t find in the wx.lib.pubsub, ask on pubsub forum, it might already be available. Like examples, there are several there, even some that use wx.
If you have any tests of pubsub.core could you send them to me. I can then add them. This way they all users benefit not just wx users.
On Thursday, 13 February 2014 06:03:53 UTC-5, werner wrote:
Hi Robin,
On 06/02/2014 09:12, Robin Dunn wrote:
Hi All,
I had to edit several of the pubsub unittest files to make it so they
could at least be imported. Apparently there were some classes that
were removed in the recent update. If somebody is looking for
something to do to help out then updating those unittests would be a
good task to take on.
Just did a PR for this.
BTW, I asked Oliver to review it on the pubsub list.