Publish/Subscribe question

I just recently started using Publish/Subscribe, but I find myself constantly searching for what the right string is to use.

So, I ended up doing this:

    # to subscribe
    mypub.publisher.subscribe(functionToCall, mypub.statusText) # instead of just passing 'statusText'
       # to notify
    mypub.publisher.sendMessage(mypub.statusText, _('Text for status line'))

And in the mypub module I define the variables.

# Define variables for valid pubsub stuff, one could use strings but this is
statusText = 1 # pass status text in data section
dataNeedsSaving = 2 # pass parent in data section to limit propagation, e.g. self.parent
comboBoxRefresh = 3 # pass table name in data section, e.g. 'country_ls'

But I wonder if that is a good way to go or if there are better ways of doing this.

Would appreciate any tips or hints on how to handle this type of stuff.
