Proud to announce RIDE 1.7.3 release, thanks to wxPython!

Hi all,

I am announcing the newest RIDE (Robot Framework IDE) release here, because is a project that can only exist, thanks to wxPython.

Finally, it is released the first official release of RIDE, supporting Python 3.6 or higher.

See the RIDE page at

Read the Google Group message:!topic/robotframework-users/esOi8aNgamM

I would also like to know if users, in this group would like to automate testing of wxPython demos (like in automated acceptance tests).

That way we all could benefit, by having our wxPython projects tested.

Thank you all, by keeping using and developing wxPython!

Hi all,

I am announcing the newest RIDE (Robot Framework IDE) release here, because is a project that can only exist, thanks to wxPython.

Finally, it is released the first official release of RIDE, supporting Python 3.6 or higher.

See the RIDE page at

Read the Google Group message:!topic/robotframework-users/esOi8aNgamM

Congratulations! That’s good news!

I would also like to know if users, in this group would like to automate testing of wxPython demos (like in automated acceptance tests).

That way we all could benefit, by having our wxPython projects tested.

That would be great!





Hi all,

I am announcing the newest RIDE (Robot Framework IDE) release here, because is a project that can only exist, thanks to wxPython.

Finally, it is released the first official release of RIDE, supporting Python 3.6 or higher.
See the RIDE page at
Read the Google Group message:!topic/robotframework-users/esOi8aNgamM

Congratulations! That's good news!

I would also like to know if users, in this group would like to automate testing of wxPython demos (like in automated acceptance tests).
That way we all could benefit, by having our wxPython projects tested.

That would be great!

[Steve Barnes]

Can I also suggest something that I have been thinking on for a while now - that it would be great to have an automatic process to run the demo &/or other code automatically capturing screenshots of the resulting windows/frames as we go. This would allow the documentation/website builds to (re-)generate all of the screenshots automatically which would be handy both for the wxPython documentation itself and for any complex projects people have out there.

Just my 2p worth!

Steve Barnes
(Sorry for the horrid style – Outlook forces this when bottom posting)


From: <> On Behalf Of Mike Driscoll
Sent: 22 January 2019 17:22
Subject: Re: [wxPython-users] Proud to announce RIDE 1.7.3 release, thanks to wxPython!