Hello guys, I’m kinda new to Python and got my hands on wxPython. I’m still impressed with it and it was a refreshing change after so much Visual C# hehe.
While making my litle test app I got stuck in a minor problem that bothers me. I created a small propgrid with some object properties. Two of them must be FileProperty type, but each of them needs a diferent wildcard.
So I followed the docs and inherited a class from propgrid.PGEditorDialogAdapter with a DoShowDialog method and SetValue() on it ( https://wxpython.org/Phoenix/docs/html/wx.propgrid.PGEditorDialogAdapter.html#wx.propgrid.PGEditorDialogAdapter.SetValue ), but the only way I could thing to implement it was to create it from another class inherited from propgrid.FileProperty, wich I already had because I needed to enable some outsider buttons on value change.
The only method I found to do the work was the GetEditorDialog() method and indeed it launched my custom dialog, but when you choose a file and press the button, or even canceling it, It hangs out for some time, then crashes without exceptions (this program has become irresponsive),
Is there a better way to avoid all of this and get a shortcut ? Lol ! I only want to accept .txt in one property and .mp3 on the other. Here’s my code:
self.txtFile = self.pgrid.Append(CFileProperty("TxtFile ", “txtFile”, self.data.txtFile, subpanel=self ))
class CFileProperty(propgrid.FileProperty):
def init(self, *args, subpanel=None, **kwargs):
propgrid.FileProperty.init(self, *args, **kwargs)
#self.EditorDialog = CLyricFileDialog()
#dialogAdapter = CLyricFileDialog(parent=self)
if subpanel:
self.subpanel = subpanel
def OnSetValue(self, *args, **kwargs):
#six.print_(“Se Edito: %s - %s” % (self.GetLabel(), self.GetValue()))
if self.subpanel:
return propgrid.FileProperty.OnSetValue(self, *args, **kwargs)
def GetEditorDialog(self, *args, **kwargs):
return CLyricFileDialog(parent=self)
class CLyricFileDialog(propgrid.PGEditorDialogAdapter):
def init(self, *args, parent=None, **kwargs):
propgrid.PGEditorDialogAdapter.init(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.parent = parent
def DoShowDialog(self):
dlg = wx.FileDialog(None, “Open lyric file”, “”, “”, “Lyric Files (.rap)|.rap|Plain Text (.txt)|.txt”, wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST)
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
value = dlg.GetFilename()
return True
return False
except :
return False
Im sure the problem is something silly Im missing… but I can’t find it.
Sorry about my english! Thank you for your time.