Programmatic selection in wxListCtrl

Thanks Robin,

I had looked for methods like this in the documentation that came with
wxPython (Start > All Programs > wxPython 2.4 for Python 2.2 > wxWindows
Reference) and didn't find them. The list of methods for wxListCtrl was

So my next question is: which documentation should I consult to find more
about the other goodies I might not know about?

Alain Désilets


-----Original Message-----
From: Robin Dunn []
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2004 3:00 PM
Subject: Re: [wxPython-users] Programmatic selection in wxListCtrl

Desilets, Alain wrote:

I am writing a wxListCtrl subclass with helper methods for unit
testing GUI that use list controls.

Right now, I need methods to programmatically:

1. set the selected item in the list

2. query the list for its selected item

wx.ListCtrl already has some helper methods for doing things like this.
  I've copied them below.

I have gotten 2. to work, but 1. doesn't. In the code below, when I
invoke DoSelectItem(), both SelectedItem() and DoSelectItem() print
-1. Yet, when I manually click on an item in the list, SelectedItem()
prints the correct item index.

What am I doing wrong?

You aren't using the second parameter of SetItemState correctly.

     def Select(self, idx, on=1):
         '''[de]select an item'''
         if on: state = wx.LIST_STATE_SELECTED
         else: state = 0
         self.SetItemState(idx, state, wx.LIST_STATE_SELECTED)

     def Focus(self, idx):
         '''Focus and show the given item'''
         self.SetItemState(idx, wx.LIST_STATE_FOCUSED,

     def GetFocusedItem(self):
         '''get the currently focused item or -1 if none'''
         return self.GetNextItem(-1, wx.LIST_NEXT_ALL,

     def GetFirstSelected(self, *args):
         '''return first selected item, or -1 when none'''
         return self.GetNextSelected(-1)

     def GetNextSelected(self, item):
         '''return subsequent selected items, or -1 when no more'''
         return self.GetNextItem(item, wx.LIST_NEXT_ALL,

     def IsSelected(self, idx):
         '''return True if the item is selected'''
         return self.GetItemState(idx, wx.LIST_STATE_SELECTED) != 0

     def SetColumnImage(self, col, image):
         item = self.GetColumn(col)
         # preserve all other attributes too
         item.SetMask( wx.LIST_MASK_STATE |
                       wx.LIST_MASK_TEXT |
                       wx.LIST_MASK_IMAGE |
                       wx.LIST_MASK_DATA |
                       wx.LIST_SET_ITEM |
                       wx.LIST_MASK_WIDTH |
                       wx.LIST_MASK_FORMAT )
         self.SetColumn(col, item)

     def ClearColumnImage(self, col):
         self.SetColumnImage(col, -1)

     def Append(self, entry):
         '''Append an item to the list control. The entry parameter
should be a
            sequence with an item for each column'''
         if len(entry):
             if wx.USE_UNICODE:
                 cvtfunc = unicode
                 cvtfunc = str
             pos = self.GetItemCount()
             self.InsertStringItem(pos, cvtfunc(entry[0]))
             for i in range(1, len(entry)):
                 self.SetStringItem(pos, i, cvtfunc(entry[i]))
             return pos

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!

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Desilets, Alain wrote:

Thanks Robin,

I had looked for methods like this in the documentation that came with
wxPython (Start > All Programs > wxPython 2.4 for Python 2.2 > wxWindows
Reference) and didn't find them. The list of methods for wxListCtrl was

So my next question is: which documentation should I consult to find more
about the other goodies I might not know about?

This list, the wiki, the sources, and eventually the new Python specific docs.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!


The functions Robin mention are not part of wxWidgets (underlying C++
library) itself so they are not in the wxWidget's documentation. They are
"wxPython-specific-addons-and-gifts". Consult the wxPython sources. For
example, wx.ListCtrl.Select method is in
*my-python-installation\Lib\site-packages\wx\* file.

    Vladimir Ignatov


----- Original Message -----
From: "Desilets, Alain" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 4:26 PM
Subject: RE: [wxPython-users] Programmatic selection in wxListCtrl

Thanks Robin,

I had looked for methods like this in the documentation that came with
wxPython (Start > All Programs > wxPython 2.4 for Python 2.2 > wxWindows
Reference) and didn't find them. The list of methods for wxListCtrl was

So my next question is: which documentation should I consult to find more
about the other goodies I might not know about?

Alain Désilets

-----Original Message-----
From: Robin Dunn []
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2004 3:00 PM
Subject: Re: [wxPython-users] Programmatic selection in wxListCtrl

Desilets, Alain wrote:

I am writing a wxListCtrl subclass with helper methods for unit
testing GUI that use list controls.

Right now, I need methods to programmatically:

1. set the selected item in the list

2. query the list for its selected item

wx.ListCtrl already has some helper methods for doing things like this.
  I've copied them below.

I have gotten 2. to work, but 1. doesn't. In the code below, when I
invoke DoSelectItem(), both SelectedItem() and DoSelectItem() print
-1. Yet, when I manually click on an item in the list, SelectedItem()
prints the correct item index.

What am I doing wrong?

You aren't using the second parameter of SetItemState correctly.

     def Select(self, idx, on=1):
         '''[de]select an item'''
         if on: state = wx.LIST_STATE_SELECTED
         else: state = 0
         self.SetItemState(idx, state, wx.LIST_STATE_SELECTED)

     def Focus(self, idx):
         '''Focus and show the given item'''
         self.SetItemState(idx, wx.LIST_STATE_FOCUSED,

     def GetFocusedItem(self):
         '''get the currently focused item or -1 if none'''
         return self.GetNextItem(-1, wx.LIST_NEXT_ALL,

     def GetFirstSelected(self, *args):
         '''return first selected item, or -1 when none'''
         return self.GetNextSelected(-1)

     def GetNextSelected(self, item):
         '''return subsequent selected items, or -1 when no more'''
         return self.GetNextItem(item, wx.LIST_NEXT_ALL,

     def IsSelected(self, idx):
         '''return True if the item is selected'''
         return self.GetItemState(idx, wx.LIST_STATE_SELECTED) != 0

     def SetColumnImage(self, col, image):
         item = self.GetColumn(col)
         # preserve all other attributes too
         item.SetMask( wx.LIST_MASK_STATE |
                       wx.LIST_MASK_TEXT |
                       wx.LIST_MASK_IMAGE |
                       wx.LIST_MASK_DATA |
                       wx.LIST_SET_ITEM |
                       wx.LIST_MASK_WIDTH |
                       wx.LIST_MASK_FORMAT )
         self.SetColumn(col, item)

     def ClearColumnImage(self, col):
         self.SetColumnImage(col, -1)

     def Append(self, entry):
         '''Append an item to the list control. The entry parameter
should be a
            sequence with an item for each column'''
         if len(entry):
             if wx.USE_UNICODE:
                 cvtfunc = unicode
                 cvtfunc = str
             pos = self.GetItemCount()
             self.InsertStringItem(pos, cvtfunc(entry[0]))
             for i in range(1, len(entry)):
                 self.SetStringItem(pos, i, cvtfunc(entry[i]))
             return pos

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!

Vladimir Ignatov wrote:


The functions Robin mention are not part of wxWidgets (underlying C++
library) itself so they are not in the wxWidget's documentation. They are
"wxPython-specific-addons-and-gifts". Consult the wxPython sources. For
example, wx.ListCtrl.Select method is in
*my-python-installation\Lib\site-packages\wx\* file.

Actually, most of them were copied or adapted from the wxListView class which is documented now, (but wasn't when I put the "gifts" in the wxListCtrl class which is why they got put there.)


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!