Problems with wx.radioButton and wx.panel

I have a problem, when I use wx.RadioButtons and a wx.Panel (radioButton is
not in the panel!). This Problem is a little bit difficult to explain, so I
have created a short example, which shows my problem. It is attached to this

The first two radioButtons are grouped (block 1) and the second two are also
grouped (block 2). If you select one radioButton of the first group
everything works as it should. If you select one radio button of the second
group the program hangs. I cann’t use two panels because I need this
constellation for an other application.
(Annotation: If you attach one more Block of radioButtons the program hangs
if you select one radioButton of the last block).

Thanks in advance for any help
Thomas Hlavaty

(I use "Python 2.3.4" and "wxPython" under W2k) (1.31 KB)