or is there a nother way to do it?
for example display the information in a nother way and open a hidden
browser to print the html file.
What OS? I only support Windows and Mac, so I do:
if sys.platform == "darwin":
from wx import webkit
self._view = webkit.WebKitCtrl(self, -1)
self._view.PageSource = html
elif sys.platform == "win32":
from wx.lib import iewin
self._view = iewin.IEHtmlWindow(self, -1)
# ... later
If you need to support Linux too I don’t know of a solution, sorry Rumor has it one day we’ll get a cross-platform wxWebkit in wxPython, which would be just about the most awesome thing ever done. There’s soooooo much that would help with
Stephen Hansen wrote:
What OS? I only support Windows and Mac, so I do:
if sys.platform == "darwin":
from wx import webkit
self._view = webkit.WebKitCtrl(self, -1)
self._view.PageSource = html
elif sys.platform == "win32":
from wx.lib import iewin
self._view = iewin.IEHtmlWindow(self, -1)
# ... later
I do something similar, but with small wrapper that hides the differences.
If you need to support Linux too
I think wxMozilla is it -- though it has a reputation for being a pain.
Rumor has it one day we'll get a cross-platform wxWebkit in wxPython,
It might be worth taking a look at it -- if your needs are simple (i.e. no frames or printing), it may work for you, though you also may need to build it yourself. A year or so ago there were some Windows binaries you could try. I understand it's made good progress recently.
Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR&R (206) 526-6959 voice
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Rumor has it one day we’ll get a cross-platform wxWebkit in wxPython,
It might be worth taking a look at it – if your needs are simple (i.e. no frames or printing), it may work for you, though you also may need to build it yourself. A year or so ago there were some Windows binaries you could try. I understand it’s made good progress recently.
My needs are relatively simple. I might give it a try. The last time I tried to build wxPython universal on Mac by myself, I totally failed. I don’t remember why, but it went terribly terribly wrong As for windows! … I’ll cross that bridge when I conquer the mac side first