My problem is a little bit off topic, but I havent found any solution in
the web, until yet. So I hope that anyone in this list could help me.
I have written a Script in wxpython and like to document it with epydoc. Now
I have the problem, that when I inherit from a wxPython class, e.g. from
Button, epydoc crashes. If I inherit from a class of my own, in the same
script it works fine!
This example works and epydoc creates a documentation:
from wx import Button
class Test:
""" test-class1 """
def doit(self):
print "test"
class Test2(Test):
""" test-class2 """
and in this case epydoc crashes :
from wx import Button
class Test:
""" test-class1 """
def doit(self):
print "test"
class Test2(Button):
""" test-class2 """
Can anyone please help me to solve this problem. If I dont inherit from
wxPython classes everything works fine. Has it something to do with the
I have to apologize that I post this problem in the wxPython-user list but I
havent found any solution in the web and I hope that anyone in this list
could help me, because I have found some documentations of wxPython which
are created with epydoc.
I use wxPython for Python 2.3.3 on W2K.
Thanks in advance for any help
Thomas Hlavaty