Problem Indents RichTextCtrl


I have a problem with the BeginLeftIndent method of the RichTextCtrl, i.e. it doesn;t indent. I checked the demo sample and there it’s the same: the indents don’t come out correctly. When I look at the picture in the wxWidgets manual it is shown correctly (please see the attached doc with the pictures).

Im am using Python 2.5, wxPython 2.8. and Windows Vista.


Indents.doc (187 KB)


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Frans Stronkman wrote:

I have a problem with the BeginLeftIndent method of the RichTextCtrl, i.e. it doesn;t indent. I checked the demo sample and there it's the same: the indents don't come out correctly. When I look at the picture in the wxWidgets manual it is shown correctly (please see the attached doc with the pictures).

The C++ sample and the wxPython sample have probably diverged somewhat since they were started. You may want to look at the C++ code to see what is different.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!

Hi Robin,

Thanks. I will do that.



Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2008 10:50:02 -0800
Subject: Re: [wxpython-users] Problem Indents RichTextCtrl

Frans Stronkman wrote:


I have a problem with the BeginLeftIndent method of the RichTextCtrl,
i.e. it doesn;t indent. I checked the demo sample and there it’s the
same: the indents don’t come out correctly. When I look at the picture
in the wxWidgets manual it is shown correctly (please see the attached
doc with the pictures).

The C++ sample and the wxPython sample have probably diverged somewhat
since they were started. You may want to look at the C++ code to see
what is different.

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!

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