printing WIDE pages with PrintTable and PrintGrid

I have grids with a lot of columns and rows. I tried to print with (wx.lib.printout) both PrintTable and PrintGrid.

The printout handles the multiple rows ok. However, it is unable to handle the columns. Instead of splitting the columns over multiple pages in fits them all on to one page so that the data
in the individual cells are not printed.

When I tried to use “set_column” to widen the columns I received a warning “Warning, Too Wide for Page” and then a " IndexError: list index
out of range" was thrown.

Is there away to force printout to automatically size the columns to fit the text and to split the columns over multiple tables?




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Not that I know of. If you modify the code in wx.lib.printout to handle these features please submit a patch.


On 6/15/11 12:45 AM, Blank, Yaakov wrote:

I have grids with a lot of columns and rows. I tried to print with
(wx.lib.printout) both PrintTable and PrintGrid.
The printout handles the multiple rows ok. However, it is unable to
handle the columns. Instead of splitting the columns over multiple pages
in fits them all on to one page so that the data in the individual cells
are not printed.
When I tried to use "set_column" to widen the columns I received a
warning "Warning, Too Wide for Page" and then a "IndexError: list index
out of range" was thrown.
Is there away to force printout to automatically size the columns to fit
the text and to split the columns over multiple tables?

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman