From: "Harald Stürzebecher" <>
> Seems like this would be simple. I'm trying to programmatically redirect
> print to a different hardcoded printer.
> prt = r'\\front2\HP LaserJet 1022n'
> copies = 2
> printout = wx.html.HtmlPrintout()
> printout.SetHtmlText(html)
> data = wx.PrintDialogData()
> data.GetPrintData().SetNoCopies(copies)
> data.GetPrintData().SetPrinterName(prt)
> printer = wx.Printer(data)
> result = printer.Print(None, printout, False)
> err = printer.GetLastError()
> It's always returning False in 'result'. And it takes a long time to
> return the 'result'. I'm certain the 'prt' string is correct. (Or is there
> some way to get a list of the valid printers?)Are you really certain?
I added
to OnPrintSetup (line 130) in PrintFramework (wxPython Demo Version
Starting the demo and clicking "Print Setup" correctly shows "Fax" as
the selected Printer.The unmodified demo shows my standard printer.
I think the function expects one of the local printer names that
appear in "Start -> Settings -> Printers" instead of a network
That wouldn't be a surprise. But the UNC string above is what came from
So if it's wrong, then wxWidgets is wrong too.
I'll try it later.
2006/6/22, Michael Hipp <>: