When posting code to this maillist please *do not* paste it into the
body of your message unless the lines are short enough that you are sure
that they won't be word-wrapped. The more editing we need to do to run
your code the less likely it is that we'll actually do it, meaning that
it is less likely that you'll get any help. Attach the code as a file
instead. If you are using the web interface to post to this group
(which doesn't allow attachments) then suck it up and make friends with
your email software and send a real mail message instead.
On Jul 20, 4:47 pm, Robin Dunn <ro...@alldunn.com> wrote:
Hi all,
When posting code to this maillist please *do not* paste it into the
body of your message unless the lines are short enough that you are sure
that they won't be word-wrapped. The more editing we need to do to run
your code the less likely it is that we'll actually do it, meaning that
it is less likely that you'll get any help. Attach the code as a file
instead. If you are using the web interface to post to this group
(which doesn't allow attachments) then suck it up and make friends with
your email software and send a real mail message instead.
Thank you,
The Management
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsmanhttp://wxPython.org
The problem with pastebin or any -other- website is that now this
mailing list, and in particular this topic would then forever require
that other website to keep that code online. Other people looking up
these questions/topics in this mailing list in 1, 2, 5, 10 years from
now, will very unlikely not understand what is said because pastebin,
and others, will not keep code forever, go out of business or merge
with some other content holder or just change there name/url.
I use pastebin in IRC.
Personally I like code in the mailing list. As mailing list structure
and function impoves, long code should be less visually troublesome.
Already this mailing-list web-interface abbreviates quoted text into a
collapable hyperlink. It'd be nice to see inline code posted here
blocked into its own colored styled block much like the text editors
we use today.
My thoughts,
Python Hobbyist
On Jul 21, 9:03 am, Mike Driscoll <kyoso...@gmail.com> wrote:
Or use a pastebin likehttp://paste.pocoo.org/and just paste the url
link to your code.
> Or use a pastebin likehttp://paste.pocoo.org/andjust paste the url
> link to your code.
> - Mike- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
The problem with pastebin or any -other- website is that now this
mailing list, and in particular this topic would then forever require
that other website to keep that code online. Other people looking up
these questions/topics in this mailing list in 1, 2, 5, 10 years from
now, will very unlikely not understand what is said because pastebin,
and others, will not keep code forever, go out of business or merge
with some other content holder or just change there name/url.
I hadn't thought of that...
I use pastebin in IRC.
Personally I like code in the mailing list. As mailing list structure
and function impoves, long code should be less visually troublesome.
Already this mailing-list web-interface abbreviates quoted text into a
collapable hyperlink. It'd be nice to see inline code posted here
blocked into its own colored styled block much like the text editors
we use today.
My thoughts,
Python Hobbyist
I've seen attached code disappear on too though, so I'm not sure there
is a perfect solution.
On Jul 23, 11:53 pm, DevPlayer <devpla...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Jul 21, 9:03 am, Mike Driscoll <kyoso...@gmail.com> wrote:
If I use an email client to post a reply containing an attachment, how
to I ensure that it joins the existing thread instead of starting a
new one? Is it enough to have the subject of the email message set to
the title of the original posting? It would be nice if at some later
stage, we could attach via the web interface.
On Jul 21, 5:47 am, Robin Dunn <ro...@alldunn.com> wrote:
Hi all,
When posting code to this maillist please *do not* paste it into the
body of your message unless the lines are short enough that you are sure
that they won't be word-wrapped. The more editing we need to do to run
your code the less likely it is that we'll actually do it, meaning that
it is less likely that you'll get any help. Attachthe code as a file
instead. If you are using the web interface to post to this group
(which doesn't allow attachments) then suck it up and make friends with
your email software and send a real mail message instead.
Thank you,
The Management
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsmanhttp://wxPython.org
If I use an email client to post a reply containing an attachment, how
to I ensure that it joins the existing thread instead of starting a
new one? Is it enough to have the subject of the email message set to
the title of the original posting?
I just use "reply to" to the message I want to replay too in Thunderbird and then attach the file(s) to that message. This does not create a new thread.
It would be nice if at some later
stage, we could attach via the web interface.
I guess that would be a google groups enhancement.
Going OT, another enhancement would be:
Messages posted from the email client should be sent back to me - (to have the full thread off-line).
I noticed that this didn't happen too...fortunately, I can use my
webmail account to do this. I use what amounts to a personal gmail
account, but with my website's domain. Although for this post, I am
connected to Google Groups interface which requires a gmail account. I
suppose to continue into OT-land, it would be good if I could actually
log in to Google Groups with my personal domain gmail account.
- Mike
On Aug 4, 7:19 am, "Werner F. Bruhin" <wbru...@gmail.com> wrote:
Sam23 wrote:
> If I use an email client to post a reply containing an attachment, how
> to I ensure that it joins the existing thread instead of starting a
> new one? Is it enough to have the subject of the email message set to
> the title of the original posting?
I just use "reply to" to the message I want to replay too in Thunderbird
and then attach the file(s) to that message. This does not create a new
thread.> It would be nice if at some later
> stage, we could attach via the web interface.
I guess that would be a google groups enhancement.
Going OT, another enhancement would be:
Messages posted from the email client should be sent back to me - (to
have the full thread off-line).
Messages posted from the email client should be sent back to me - (to have the full thread off-line).
I get copies of everything I send so it should be possible. I just looked to see if they have a configuration setting that controls that but didn't find one, so I expect that they are sending your messages back to you but they are getting filtered out somewhere along the way.
I noticed that this didn't happen too...fortunately, I can use my
webmail account to do this. I use what amounts to a personal gmail
account, but with my website's domain. Although for this post, I am
connected to Google Groups interface which requires a gmail account. I
suppose to continue into OT-land, it would be good if I could actually
log in to Google Groups with my personal domain gmail account.
You can create a new Google Groups account where your personal email is the user name, a gmail address is not required for Groups. However if you've already set your personal email as an alternate address in your current Google account it may not let you create a new account using that address.
Messages posted from the email client should be sent back to me - (to have the full thread off-line).
I get copies of everything I send so it should be possible. I just looked to see if they have a configuration setting that controls that but didn't find one, so I expect that they are sending your messages back to you but they are getting filtered out somewhere along the way.
OK, this worked after I changed my group membership for wxPython-users
from my gmail email address my free.fr one.
Robin Dunn wrote:
Werner F. Bruhin wrote:
Messages posted from the email client should be sent back to me - (to
have the full thread off-line).
I get copies of everything I send so it should be possible. I just
looked to see if they have a configuration setting that controls that
but didn't find one, so I expect that they are sending your messages
back to you but they are getting filtered out somewhere along the way.
I didn't receive emails of new postings to my original post either. I
looked further and found this method:
Click on the discussion thread of interest. Click on Options (to the
far right of title of the thread). Click on "Email updates to me".
After I did this, I started receiving emails of replies on the
particular thread.
On Aug 5, 4:35 pm, wbruhin - free <wbru...@free.fr> wrote:
Werner F. Bruhin wrote:
> Test, to see if I get this.
OK, this worked after I changed my group membership for wxPython-users
from my gmail email address my free.fr one.
> Robin Dunn wrote:
>> Werner F. Bruhin wrote:
>>> Messages posted from the email client should be sent back to me - (to
>>> have the full thread off-line).
>> I get copies of everything I send so it should be possible. I just
>> looked to see if they have a configuration setting that controls that
>> but didn't find one, so I expect that they are sending your messages
>> back to you but they are getting filtered out somewhere along the way.