If someone already knows about this I’m going to be very unhappy.
But I think it’s cool that I didn’t know about it, found out about it,
and solved it for myself.
There isn’t a whole lot of activity on the Py2Exe mailing list, and
that is where this “bug” or whatever belong, but here goes anyhow.
On the program I’ve been working on I use the module linecache.
I use the “import linecache” in my program and as a Py file the
program works great. As an EXE it doesn’t work. The line(s)
being read don’t get stored in the cache that linecache creates.
Ultimately I get an empty string the “” thing. I guess it is a value
of null.
I won’t go into the every step I took to work around this but the
shortest story I can tell is that I copied linecache to my programs
directory, changed the name of the module to “lc”, the import to lc
and every instance of linecache.readline / linecache.clearcache
to lc.readline / lc.clearcache, and ran Py2Exe, and POW! It works
like a champ.
So the bug / problem is that linecache didn’t get imported as it
should have or something to that effect.
Hope that this helps someone, and if you all already knew about it
I’m sorry for being late to the party…
Thanks gang, you are all great!