Playing a video in a python program on Raspberry Pi

Related to this post (Making the demo more visible), It becomes now not as clear where the demo code is as it used to be… Anyway, if you installed python in “C:\Python38”, the wx demo launcher is “C:\Python38\Scripts\wxdemo.exe”.

To explain Bind, let’s take your code as an example:

With the above code, if self:Frame has a lot of buttons, pressing any of those buttons will trigger wx.EVT_BUTTON and call self.start_clicked.

But if you write as below, only the start_btn button calls self.start_clicked.

    start_btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.start_clicked)

This is equivalent to the following, however, this style is old-fashion.

    self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.start_clicked, start_btn)

I hope it will work on Linux!