Pivot table (OLAP cube) in wxPython

Hi, All,

I'm planning to create a new visual component for wxPython, for
designing, creating and printing pivot tables. Also known as: decision
cube, OLAP cube. I was searching on the internet for something
but I could not find any open source version (or free to use, at
The only available free program was jmagallanes (
http://jmagallanes.sourceforge.net/en/ ) but it is a stand alone
Can anyone recommend me whether there is such binding for wxPython,or
how could I create pivot table in wxPython?

I haven't used a pivot table myself, but they look like they're
basically SQL constructs on top of spreadsheets to me. Of course, I'm
probably over-simplifying. Anyway, if I think you could simulate it by
using a wx.Grid widget with a sqlite backend. Then you can use SQL
queries to massage the data as required and use the grid to display
the results. I would use SqlAlchemy too, but that's just my


On Jun 1, 9:26 pm, He Jibo <hej...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi, All,

I'm planning to create a new visual component for wxPython, for
designing, creating and printing pivot tables. Also known as: decision
cube, OLAP cube. I was searching on the internet for something
but I could not find any open source version (or free to use, at
The only available free program was jmagallanes (JMagallanes) but it is a stand alone
Can anyone recommend me whether there is such binding for wxPython,or
how could I create pivot table in wxPython?

Mike Driscoll

Blog: http://blog.pythonlibrary.org

Hi Jibo,

You have repeated my former post, word by word. Here it is:


It is exactly the same. You must have copied that out. Why are you doing that? Maybe we can work toghether on this. I already have two layers implemented. E.g. data model, facts, cube and query part is ready, visual rendering is not yet. I did not have time recently for this project, but there is already big effort put into it.




2010/6/2 He Jibo hejibo@gmail.com

Hi, All,

I’m planning to create a new visual component for wxPython, for

designing, creating and printing pivot tables. Also known as: decision

cube, OLAP cube. I was searching on the internet for something


but I could not find any open source version (or free to use, at


The only available free program was jmagallanes (

http://jmagallanes.sourceforge.net/en/ ) but it is a stand alone


Can anyone recommend me whether there is such binding for wxPython,or

how could I create pivot table in wxPython?


Hi, Les,

I found your question, but it is not solved yet. I am very happy to work with you to implement a pivot form.


On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 9:44 AM, Les nagylzs@gmail.com wrote:

2010/6/2 He Jibo hejibo@gmail.com

Hi, All,

I’m planning to create a new visual component for wxPython, for

designing, creating and printing pivot tables. Also known as: decision

cube, OLAP cube. I was searching on the internet for something


but I could not find any open source version (or free to use, at


The only available free program was jmagallanes (

http://jmagallanes.sourceforge.net/en/ ) but it is a stand alone


Can anyone recommend me whether there is such binding for wxPython,or

how could I create pivot table in wxPython?


Hi Jibo,

You have repeated my former post, word by word. Here it is:


It is exactly the same. You must have copied that out. Why are you doing that? Maybe we can work toghether on this. I already have two layers implemented. E.g. data model, facts, cube and query part is ready, visual rendering is not yet. I did not have time recently for this project, but there is already big effort put into it.



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Hi Jibo,

You have repeated my former post, word by word. Here it is:


It is exactly the same. You must have copied that out. Why are you doing
that? Maybe we can work toghether on this. I already have two layers
implemented. E.g. data model, facts, cube and query part is ready, visual
rendering is not yet. I did not have time recently for this project, but
there is already big effort put into it.



I'm interested too. I can help with the visual, rendering and events
Let's keep in touch.