I’m trying to get up and running with Phoenix with a view to contributing to the project. To keep things simple I’d really like to put Phoenix builds in a virtualenv, away from the stable build that is used by a couple of small apps, but thus far I’m not having much luck. I know there are posts addressing a couple of issues that mac users might come across when implementing this combination but they don’t seem relevant to me (yet). Using pip, the build fails almost as soon as the download phase is complete with the following error message:
########## ERROR MESSAGE #########
Downloading wxPython_Phoenix- (28.8MB): 28.8MB downloaded
Running setup.py egg_info for package from http://wxpython.org/Phoenix/snapshot-builds/wxPython_Phoenix-
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 16, in
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/var/folders/wl/gch_23cs7xv96tpj_9tf79m00000gn/T/pip-nAFNbt-build/setup.py’
Complete output from command python setup.py egg_info:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 16, in
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/var/folders/wl/gch_23cs7xv96tpj_9tf79m00000gn/T/pip-nAFNbt-build/setup.py’
Can anyone see what the problem is, or has anyone successfully got Phoenix up and running on a mac using virtualenv?
I'm trying to get up and running with Phoenix with a view to
contributing to the project. To keep things simple I'd really like to
put Phoenix builds in a virtualenv, away from the stable build that is
used by a couple of small apps, but thus far I'm not having much luck. I
know there are posts addressing a couple of issues that mac users might
come across when implementing this combination but they don't seem
relevant to me (yet). Using pip, the build fails almost as soon as the
download phase is complete with the following error message:
That is the prebuilt binary archive, you should just need to unpack the archive and move the wx folder into your virtualenv's site-packages. If you want to do an actual build you'll want to get the source archive instead.
Great. Thanks for pointing that out. Now up and running.
On Monday, August 5, 2013 11:05:46 PM UTC+1, Paul wrote:
Hi all,
I’m trying to get up and running with Phoenix with a view to contributing to the project. To keep things simple I’d really like to put Phoenix builds in a virtualenv, away from the stable build that is used by a couple of small apps, but thus far I’m not having much luck. I know there are posts addressing a couple of issues that mac users might come across when implementing this combination but they don’t seem relevant to me (yet). Using pip, the build fails almost as soon as the download phase is complete with the following error message:
########## ERROR MESSAGE #########
Downloading wxPython_Phoenix- (28.8MB): 28.8MB downloaded
Running setup.py egg_info for package from http://wxpython.org/Phoenix/snapshot-builds/wxPython_Phoenix-
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 16, in
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/var/folders/wl/gch_23cs7xv96tpj_9tf79m00000gn/T/pip-nAFNbt-build/setup.py’
Complete output from command python setup.py egg_info:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 16, in
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/var/folders/wl/gch_23cs7xv96tpj_9tf79m00000gn/T/pip-nAFNbt-build/setup.py’
Can anyone see what the problem is, or has anyone successfully got Phoenix up and running on a mac using virtualenv?